Toast your morning!

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Many people believe that brown sugar is healthier than white sugar. This isn’t entirely true but brown sugar does contain a bit more nutrients because of the molasses it contains.
Besides from being the perfect sweet granules which replace white sugar, it can also be used in everyday recipes. A lot of recipes use sugar to avoid or mask sour or bitter flavours. Here are some ways that brown sugar can be used in your meals without giving the food a strange taste.
Brown sugar can be used to crust your food without using bread crumbs and egg. The sugar will give the food a lovely flavour and crunch that can’t be replicated with crumbs. This method works best in the oven with different kinds of protein.
Brown sugar is often used in Asian cuisine. Many of these foods involve the sweetened taste because of how many salty foods and sauces get added into the mixture. The sugar takes any overwhelming flavour away.

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